
Getting no satisfactory results through action

Have you ever wondered what you are doing wrong that things are just not falling into place for you despite a lot of effort and consistent pushing? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you are vibrationally not aligned with your goals and aspirations?

  Research has shown that everything has an energy vibration – people, place, things and emotions. As like attract like, we attract like frequencies into our lives.

If we want to improve our lives and our general well-being including our material, mental, emotional and physical state, we need to be aware of the frequencies at which we are currently operating. Our awareness is key as it offers us choice. This means that once we are aware of our vibrational frequencies we can change or shift them upwards and in line with our goals. This process will inevitably lead to the ultimate achievement of our goals.

The catch is that most of us are way too impatient and want to jump over several vibrational steps in an attempt to make things happen quicker. For example, if you have been feeling worried or discouraged and consciously understand that for things to start flowing you would need to be in a place of positive expectations, it is typical to want to get to that place quickly. And to achieve this state quickly, you may start working with positive affirmations (which is great) combined with trying not to pay attention to your worry and fear. However, this approach is not sustainable and delivers only short-lived results.

So what can you do to align yourself vibrationally with what you want?

It is crucial to recognise that we need to move through the different energy states one at a time. Long lasting change and energy shifts become possible by moving into the emotion which is strictly only one level up from your current operating one.

  We need to set realistic goals in terms of our current vibrating state and take inspired action through each state.

We need to consistently measure where we currently are and own it (not wishing and wanting to feel differently). As we take inspired and consistent action which is aligned with our goals we must not forget to celebrate each success – no matter how small. Most of us find it easy to take action as we associate making things happen by taking action. However, only few of us are really good at celebrating our successes – and not only the big ones! The key here is to find and practice the right balance between setting realistic goals from the state of our current vibrational state, taking consistent action, and celebrate each small success.

  If the above resonates with you and you are willing to give it a try I suggest that you identify your current and most dominant vibrational level in relation to your goal and work yourself upwards.

Law of attraction experts, Esther and Jerry Hicks along with quantum physicist, Greg Kuhn, suggest the following emotional reference chart:

  1. Love/Ecstasy
  2. Joy/Elation
  3. Ease/Power
  4. Confidence/Inspiration
  5. Excitement/Passion
  6. Anticipation/Eagerness
  7. Enthusiasm/Ambition
  8. Hopefulness/Optimism
  9. Interest/Inquisitiveness
  10. Acceptance/Peace
  11. Introspection/Contemplation
  12. Pensiveness/Melancholy
  13. Indifference/Apathy
  14. Unease/Discontent
  15. Frustration/Aggravation
  16. Worry/Nervousness
  17. Doubt/Pessimism
  18. Anger/Blame
  19. Anxiety/Fear
  20. Grief/Desolation
  21. Despair/Worthlessness
  22. Powerlessness/Dejection
  23. Depression/Hopelessness
Sonja Kirschner is an accredited expert coach and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner. She is passionate about helping different groups of people to unlock their true potential, increase their confidence and motivation so that their own performance in life, at work and in business feels great to them! Corporate clients include Raytheon, University of East Anglia, LPA Group Plc, Cobb, Springer Nature Digital and Joanne Webb Studio.

APower 3 - Confidence Coaching, Resilience Building & Mind Freedom®

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